We know sometimes it is possible to find a product cheaper elsewhere, so we have developed a price match policy to give you confidence when shopping at Flute Connections.
Minimum value $100 per item
Competitor must be Australian based store retailer
Competitors catalogue must be current and available for us to view
Competitor must have item in stock
We do not match liquidations, auction sites, last ones and sellouts
Product must be identical
All price matching excludes delivery
Verbal and written quotes not accepted
No further discounts apply to price matching
Product must be brand new in boxes (competitors display stock not included)
Our price match policy can not be used in conjunction with any other Flute Connections promotion and/or offer
We will not match purely online retailers
Price match is only available at time of purchase
Flute Connections reserve the right to refuse a price match
Please note: Policy can be changed or withdrawn at anytime without notice.